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TBE Religious School Registration for 2024-25



You will need to fill out a separate form for each child you are registering. Save the date for a Religious School kick off on August 25th. You will need to have your dues paid or a payment plan in place by that date. 
You MUST be a member of Temple Beth El to enroll in Religious School
Non-members may not enroll in our Joint Religious School. Use the ShulHouse Rock Only registration form in the email, please.


Parent Information



If you DO NOT wish your child(ren)'s picture to appear as part of a group in Temple Beth El's orTemple Emanu-El's communications or publications, please check this box.


Emergency Contact


Carpool Permission

Please note we may ask for identification
Please note if the person you list is the child's parent, we may require official documentation..

Student Information

All emails sent to students will be cc'd to parent

Medical Info and Release

I hereby grant permission for my child(ren) to participate in all Temple youth programs, activities and events and do release Temple Beth El and its representatives from all liability arising out of my child’s participation in such activity.   In addition, I, the undersigned parent/guardian of the above child(ren), do further certify that my child(ren) is physically able to participate in such activity.  By selecting 'I agree'  below and by enrolling your child(ren) in Religious School at Temple Emanu-El via Temple Beth El, you indicate your agreement to the above terms and conditions
If your child carries an EpiPen, please make sure the teachers and staff are aware of where it can be found.

Payment Information

Amount due for this registration. You must fill out and pay for each child separately. After you submit the first registration, you'll create a new registration for each additional child. 
As a reminder, you will need to register each child separately. Three children = three completed forms.
Things to remember:
  • TBE dues for 24/25 must be paid or a payment plan set up by August 10, 2023.
  • Enrollment in the Joint Religious School is not confirmed until the TBE Finance Office verifies dues payment.
  • Religious School fees are due in full at time of enrollment.* 
* Contact the office if you have questions about this policy.
Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785